Sunday, 28 November 2010

Rough cut Feedback

On Thursday 25th November we  screened our rough edit of our thriller to other media and college students. We hoped to gain constructive criticism as well as some positive feedback from the session so we can make our final edit the best it can be. 

Here are the feedback questions that will be handed out to viewers:

What did you think was going on during the film?

What do you think the rest of the story might be?

What are your thoughts on the characters? (whether you liked them, your interpretation of them)

Do you think the music was appropriate for what was happening in the film?

What was your favourite aspect of the film?

What improvements do you think we could make to the film?


  1. The main feedback we did get from this screening was positive stuff. People definitely took the the effects we added, and how the shots were constructed. The main point of improvement was that people felt too much time was spent panning in the forest. To counter this in our final cut, we will most likely put the credits over the top of these shots.

  2. I'm glad that this rough edit screening was useful for your group, and that you have explained how you will utilise the findings.
