What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
From creating this product, I've learnt a huge amount about the Digital Camera's and I've thoroughly enjoyed using them!
Asides from a basic knowledge of how the camera's work, I've also experienced the hard way just how much thought has to go into each shot. Before starting my AS course, i had minimal experience with a video camera. since beginning the course, I've already learnt a multitude of shots, which are displayed in my preliminary task.
Along with knowledge on how to use the camera's themselves, I have also gained a basic understanding of how to use editing software. We used a variety of effects, from a CCTV effects simply to the ending credits.
All this has been a useful experience, and I'm sure I'll use much of what I've learnt in this task in my Thriller opening!
All this has been a useful experience, and I'm sure I'll use much of what I've learnt in this task in my Thriller opening!