Tuesday, 21 September 2010



Composition is the layout of an image, meaning where and how each part is positioned. Composition is used to create a numer of effects.

Rule of thirds: The rule of thirds is  commonly used in media, photography and art. The basic idea behind the rule of thirds is the idea that an image is broken down into 9 sections, 9 equal squares, like this; 

The idea is that if you put objects ( or parts of an object ) on any of the four lines, the viewer will notice and interact with these parts much more than usual, and makes the image more well balanced. 


Editing is used to ' complete ' a piece of work so to speak. It can be used to add effects, cut unwanted scenes and make transitions between sequences much smoother. Editing is the way producers make their work more polished and / or effective. 
Adding a piece of music or sound effects in the background, or adding coloured hues to a sequence are both forms of editing. 
One form of editing that has now become commonplace in our generations films are adding computer generated characters or objects. Some films even use CGI for almost the entire film! A great example of this is James Cameron's ' Avatar '. 


In film, there are two main types of sound: Diegetic and Non-diegetic sound.
Diegetic sound is where sounds are coming from something you can see on the screen, such as a voice from a person or an object which you can actually see.
Non-diegetic sound is the opposite. This sound comes from something you can't see in the scene. This type of sound is used to enhance the mood, and comes in such forms as a narrator. 

Monday, 13 September 2010


My name is Jordan McDowall, and I am currently attending Reepham College.

This Blog is an area where I will be posting my AS Medida work, among other things.

Hopefully I can start getting some work on here soon!